You Know Thats Funny!

Good Advice

Harry was about to marry Sally and his father took him to one side and said,

"When I got married to your mother the first thing I did when we got home was to take off my trousers. I gave them to your mother and told her to try them on, which she did. They were enormous on her and she said to me that she couldn't possibly wear them, as they were too large.”

I said to her, "Of course they are too large for you. I wear the trousers in this family and I always will. Ever since that day we have never had a single problem."

Harry took his father's advice to heart, and as soon as he got Sally alone after the wedding, he did the same thing.
He took off his trousers and handed them to Sally and told her to try them on. When she did she said "I can't wear these, they're far too large for me".

"Exactly" Harry replied "I wear the trousers in this family and I always will. I don't want you to ever forget that".

Then Sally took off her panties and gave them to Harry.

"Try these on Harry" she said, so he tried them on but they were too small.

"I can't get into your panties" said Harry.

Sally replied, " Exactly, and if you don't change your fucking attitude, you never will!"
You know that's funny!
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